Owl Moon 2024

6:30 PM on October 12
Bring a blanket or a chair and join us on the lawn by the Visitor Center. As the evening skies grow dim, you’ll be treated to an unforgettable presentation. The wildlife rehabilitators and educators from Secret Garden Birds and Bees will present "Raptors in Fall and Winter," complete with at least five species of live hawks and owls.
Here’s your chance to come face to face with these magnificent raptors. Who wouldn’t want a selfie with a red-shouldered hawk, a kestrel or a barred owl? You’re sure to enjoy this interesting and educational program.
Everyone’s invited! Owl Moon is open to the public and is great for all ages. The program is free, but we are accepting donations to help defray the cost of the event.
Entrance to the park is free (no parking fee) after 6:00 pm.