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"What Lives in the Park?" -- the Friends’ Annual Meeting
2PM, Sunday July 11, 2021

Board member Randy Streufert will present “What Lives in the Park?” an overview of the amazing variety of animals that call Mason Neck State Park home. The program will feature photographs of often-seen and not so often-seen resident critters as well as a discussion of some of their interesting behaviors.

Randy was the grand prize winner in the 2019 National Wildlife Federation's Gardening for Wildlife Photography contest and has had three of his photographs on the cover of Virginia Wildlife magazine. A few of his photos are on display at the park Visitor Center.
Ericka Jackson, the park's Chief Ranger for Visitor Experience, will provide a brief discussion of the Park's aging well water system that has for many years provided all of the water for the Visitor Center, picnic area and on-site residences, and the plans for converting to the public water system.
We'll begin the meeting with a short business session at which we will elect a Board of Directors for the coming year and Friend's President Hillary Clawson will provide a brief summary of the Friend's recent and upcoming activities. You can review the bios of the candidates for Board of Directors here.