We’re Bringing the Wildlife to You!
Get your Cameras Ready!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to photograph magnificent raptors, out in the Park, from just 10 feet away! You’ll never get this close to an owl or a hawk in the wild. Just imagine snapping shots of at least four of them!
Join the Friends of Mason Neck State Park and
wildlife rehabilitators Secret Garden Birds and Bees
for this special Photo Encounter Fundraiser.
Standing just a few feet away from your subject puts you in the ideal spot to take what might well be some of your best photographs. During each session, at least four raptors including a Red-shouldered Hawk, a Red-Tailed Hawk, an Eastern Screech Owl and a Barred Owl, will pose for you on a natural looking perch.
Learn about your subjects!
Hear from Secret Garden Birds and Bees staff about each one of them, making this a learning experience too!
Space is limited to 20 participants per session.
This event has sold out in the past so don’t wait to register!
Date: Saturday October 19
Location: Mason Neck State Park, Lorton VA
Morning Session: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Afternoon Session: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Each session is $65.00 per participant, which includes the park entry fee. $40 of each registration fee is tax deductible to the extent permissible by law.
This is a fundraising event that will help the Friends of Mason Neck State Park continue to present programs and work on projects in support of the Park.