The September 11 meeting was a big success! Matt Jeffery, the Deputy Director of The National Audubon Society's International Alliances Program, spoke on "Making the Connection: Connecting Important Bird Areas across the Hemisphere." Matt spoke about the amazing migrations of birds between North America and Central and South America, and the new technologies that are being used to track bird migrations to assist in targeting efforts to protect or restore habitat for migrants. Matt's talk underscored the importance of conservation efforts in the Lower Potomac Important Bird Area, which includes Mason Neck State Park.

Guests at the Meeting

Carl Kikuchi, President, Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

Matt Jeffery, Deputy Director, International Alliances Program, National Audubon Society

Friends of Mason Neck State Park Directors Randy Steufert, Gail Mlinarchik
and Hillary Clawson with Reinhardt Gray, Manager of Mason Neck State Park